Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gonzo the Great


I am participating in an art show on Friday. I have done a painting inspired by a song.

"I'm going to go back there some day" from the Muppet Movie sung by Gonzo.

The sketch turned out nice and I am very happy with the painting. It is drying and I am giving it to the Art Group guys tonight. I had the painting ready to go for months and then I got ill and busy with the latest issue of Kayak. I've had to execute it little faster than I am comfortable with, but it has been a valuable experience none the less.

If you would like to see what the final painting looks like Please stop by the Edge Gallery this Friday at 8:00 pm. You will see many talented winnipeg artists work.


Pearce said...

Yeah! Nice work!

James said...

Sophia: I will keep you posted rest assured.

Christian: Good to here from you. I will post my colour comp soon, I did it on the DS to figure out my colour scheme, prior to taking it to the board with oil. You're responsible for that becoming part of my process so ta' thanks.