Here is the First Sketch I did. It is much more simple in concept and I think it works well in establishing the setting of the play. I really like this sketch I have become a much larger fan of pen and ink sketches. There is something about the thrill of not being able to go back and erase. Commitment to a decision and the problem solving of when you put a line down where it ought not go.
I promise you in the next couple of days to post the Digital painting I did. I know most of you are shaking with anticipation.
Wait my pretties, wait and you will be rewarded.
I've dug back into my folk fest paintings and it feels good to be painting with oil again, I stalled on those Peter pan oils I was doing because they are F*cking small man. I will finish them at some point. I grabbed a snap shot of my progress and I will post that soon as well.
I really want an ipad but I can't justify buying one until they install a facing camera so I can video conference. I'll just have to keep using my Nintendo DS to sketch I like it but it is limited and I would like a larger surface like on the ipad. Oh well I'm saving $600 by not owning one, so that's bonus.
n'uff talking from me for now, please take the time to become a follower of my blog, I have moved the widget up on the left. It will take less than 20 seconds of your time if you have a gmail account.