Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pecha Kucha Winnipeg Vol.7 complete


Well I did my first public speaking gig in a couple of years at Pecha Kucha. It was a positive experience but I have some work to do with how I put presentations together and how much I say "um" when I speak.

Regardless I got to speak with some very talented and prominent artists from around the Winnipeg area. The biggest bonus was meeting up with artists and past speakers Kal Barteski, GMB Chomichuk, Justin Currie and James Van Niekerk. Through the seemingly unstoppable creative energy that seem to exude from Mr. Chomichuk, with in minutes of sitting together we had all agreed to take part in a collaborative art project. The next day J. Currie sorted out the details and we are now all committed. What a brilliant evening.

I have some sketches from the Harvest sun music festival that I will be posting soon.

Stay golden pony boys and girls.

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