This is a hunting knife sheath that I put together as a gift for a friends brother-in-law. I used tooling leather and neats foot oil for a natural finish. I sewed it using nylon sail thread and some rivets.
I moulded the leather for a friction hold. which means the knife will not slip out of the sheath if inverted. I did however ad a safety band with a snap just in case.
I think it looks really rugged. I have posted a shot of the hatchet and the hunting knife together. The hatchet sheath uses a much lighter leather and it did not take the oil anywhere near as well as the tooling leather. So note to self, vegetable tan tooling leather is the bomb.
I have one more craft project to post and then I am back to artwork and such.
how do you sew it?
I use a sewing awl. They are used to fix sails on ships and saddles. You can get one from MEC for about 7-9 dollars and the nylon thread is really cheap as well.
Watched a video on how to use a sewing awl last night. I loved it! I was talking to the video the whole time. "Wow, who invented this." "What a great tool." Erik thought I was crazy.
Mom and dad had one of these in the house growing up and I used to play with it and never once asked what it really was. I missed out.
I have to go get me one of these and start sewing things.
Dude. Great sheaths!
Thanks Eric! I just found your blog and I love it. I have a couple more sheaths to post. One is a molded sheath for a Mora #1 knife my Father-in-law gave me from the 50s.
Keep making beer and carving spoons and bowls, it makes my day to see your stuff.
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